Advancements in Biological Dosimetry Techniques for Surge Response to Radiation Emergencies in Ghana

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Daniel G Achel
Sandra Agbenyegah
Elom E Achoribo



The awareness of the use of biodosimetry to estimate external radiation doses received by individuals and in radiation oncology, nuclear medicine, diagnostic, and interventional radiology has gained traction in recent years. At present Ghana is poised to integrate about 1GW of nuclear power into its electricity mix by 2034. The increased awareness of biodosimetry is probably due to increased radiological threats and incidents, medical and forensic applications, the quest to strengthen emergency response to unplanned radiation exposures such as radiological accidents, and the malevolent use of radioactive sources. Biodosimetry capabilities would play an effective role during public health management of radiation emergencies for rapid dose estimation and help to medically categorize the exposures for the purpose of prioritizing treatment of the affected persons. Moreover, it will also serve to provide reassurance and psychological support for the “worried-well”. Biodosimetry methods and infrastructure can also be utilized for various applications, including molecular research, medical cytogenetics, and forensics.

This write-up assesses the status of biodosimetry methods and infrastructure capabilities available at the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC), which could be leveraged during radiological or allied scenarios.


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Article Details

Daniel G Achel, Sandra Agbenyegah, & Elom E Achoribo. (2024). Advancements in Biological Dosimetry Techniques for Surge Response to Radiation Emergencies in Ghana. Archives of Applied Biology, 007–016.
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